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トップ >>  てにすまん 高西ともからのメッセージブログ >>  an appropriate approach shot leads to a good net play

てにすまん 高西ともブログ

an appropriate approach shot leads to a good net play [戦術]

投稿日時:2012/07/03(火) 00:22

It is an essential pattern to play the net after hitting an approach shot. Right?
Although you know it well, you just can't move up to the net. Why not?
Because you might have some bitter experience that your opponent passed you.
There are some reasons for that.
Maybe your approach shots weren't good enough to make you move into the net.
Unless you're good at hitting an approach shot, you won't have any chance to go up to the net. Is it ture? 
No! You still have a chance. 
Let's find out when to move up to the net!
" When your opponent hits a ball short."
If it's what you are thinking, it's a bit risky. 
Off course you can hit an approach shot when a ball comes over the net weakly and shallow in the court. What's more important is whether your opponent hits the ball in a good position or not. Assuming your opponent hits a short ball but still stays in a good position.  You must hit an approach shot to force your opponent to struggle and to put him away from a good position. Otherwise he could pass you!      
In case your opponent pass you so easily,your approach shot must be just a fast ball or not good enough to put him away form his good position. 
After your opponent hits a weak and short ball,he might think " Oh shit! My opponent would hit an approach shot!" then get ready for the coming net play. 
This is not the right timing for an approach shot. 
Why? Some players like me hit a short ball intentionally as a bite to lure the opponent into the net and then pass him! I know a lot of players having the same strategy.
So stop waiting for a short ball and let's consider other options!  
The best timing is when the opponent stays off a good position.
If you hit a very good ball in your opponent's court,you can force your opponent to struggle and to return a lob or a high ball to make time getting back to his ready position. Just hit it before it bounces otherwise your opponent would have enough time to get ready again.   
You must move into the ball and hit it in the air then come to the net.
The approach shot hit in the air can still get your opponent away from a good position and make an open space in the court. Then you just target a next shot at the space and then play the net. It is far more effective than hitting a short ball as an approach shot.  That's what your opponent wants last.  So don't wait for a short ball during a rally! More focus on your opponent's position. Grab the moment when your opponent struggles to return your good shot in a bad position! He will manage to return a high ball  to get back to his ready position . Don't let him do it! Just hit the ball in the air! 
Don't miss your chance!! 
Off course you can hit an approach shot when a ball comes over the net weakly and shallow in the court. 
To make it efficient your approach shot must force your opponent away from his comfortable zone.It doesn't have to be a hard hit. 
Practice to hit a ball in the air as an approach shot!


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